May 14, 2024

Submit Your Own Post for Review here

The is a Reader or Community Member (so, you) submission site, which means that anyone in the community can submit articles, blog posts, events, opinions, comments, media, pictures, etc. even advertisements for side gigs or businesses as desired.

The idea is that people out in the community will not only be faster with what is going on in their community but will also be more accurate in their reporting of it than the mass media and corporate advertising machines will be.

These is no political bent here and we welcome both controversial and edgy topics or ideas but, again, please keep it in the PG/soft R range, and everyone will be happy.

Obviously, there are restrictions but for the most part all you need to really worry about is to keep it as family friendly as possible and it will be approved.

We openly support and welcome local businesses as well, so advertising posts are completely Free.

While all new submissions will be reviewed by the admin team, after as yet an unstated number of approved posts by any one user, that user will be considered an Author to the site, and will be granted posting and editing privileges going forward, which will not require admin team approval.

One quick note on posting: Please select the category in which the post should be place, as those categories also exist in the main menu at the top and that’s how readers might search for specific topics and whatnot. You are free to also select more categories than just one as well if you have a cross-topic post.

Okay, that should cover things, enjoy your new local community blog and news site.

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